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Faith-Building Opportunities at Mt. Hermon

Visitation Team:   

Visits the homebound and sick, prays with them and administers sacraments of Holy Communion.


Social Ministry:   

Organizes help for the poor, homeless, and other local community needs.


Stewardship Ministry:           

Helps guide and teach the congregation about the biblical practices of giving and tithing.


Congregation Council:   

Provides leadership, vision, and oversight for Mt. Hermon in cooperation with the Pastor for all areas of ministry, finances, and mission.  Positions on council are affirmed by congregation election.


Nominating Team:

 Provides discernment for future church leadership.  After prayer and study they recommend members for council to the congregation.


Evangelism Ministry:   

Practices discipleship to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through projects and events in the surrounding community.


Anniversary Team:   

Helps Mt. Hermon remember the historical legacy of the church and commemorate church milestones through celebration.


Children's Team:   

Sets the curriculum for Faith Learning Hour for elementary aged children and provides staffing for church nursery.


Youth Ministry:   

Helps youth grow in knowledge, love, and understanding of God in their lives, service within the church and community, while fostering positive peer relationships.


Single Seniors Ministry:   

Creates opportunities for single seniors to gather for fellowship and friendship.


Quilters Fellowship Ministry:   

Makes unique  prayer quilts to be distributed to those under Hospice care, prays with the sick, and engages in fellowship.


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