TODAY: 9 a.m., Traditional Worship (Sanctuary).
2025 ELECTION NOMINATION FORMS: It’s time to prepare for the 2025 elections. Nomination forms are in your bulletin and a letter from your Nominating Committee was sent out on Tuesday 9/17/24. If you need a copy of the letter please let Kristy Kirk and she will get you a copy.
HOSPITALITY TEAM: If you are looking for an area to serve in, the Hospitality team is looking for 1-3 new members to join their team. For more information contact Bonnie.
HANDBELLS: Will be taking a break for the summer and will resume practicing Aug 14th. However, we are looking for 3 additional members to join the Bellringers group. No experience needed. If you are interested in learning more contact Luther for more information. They practice on Wednesday evenings (except the 3rd Wednesday of the month) at 6:30pm. The handbells have been a wonderful addition to our worship that we want to continue.
COMMUNION ASSISTANTS: We are looking for communion assistants to serve on Sunday mornings. Please contact Laurie for more information.
USHERS SIGN-UP for 2024: See the sign-up sheet for ushers in 2024, to help serve at Sunday services. Clipboard is on the table in the narthex.
ALTAR GUILD: Have you ever wondered what goes on “Behind the Scenes” in this special ministry? Would you like to join us? Please contact Patti to get more information on joining their team and sharing in this service to our Lord and Savior.
2024 ALTAR FLOWERS CHART Please sign up to sponsor flowers for our services next year. The chart is located in the narthex. You can place flowers in honor or memory of someone. The cost per vase is $35. THE LIGHT Don’t forget to submit your commitment card to let us know you will help us support Lutheran Services Carolinas Be the Light Campaign. If you need another card, there are extra cards in the narthex and downstairs.
LITTLE PANTRY: Our own little pantry needs some attention. If you want to donate to the little pantry, you can simply add items to it. If the pantry has plenty when you come by, feel free to leave your items in the office with Kristy. She will refill as necessary. We’re trying to keep some back stock, so if you’d like to donate to that, please take items to the office. Thanks!!
NEXT SUNDAY: 9 a.m., Traditional Worship (Sanctuary).